Create your own tasks and recipe ################################ A task is an ordinary python object, with an `__init__` method and a `__call__` method, which has to subclass `goatlib.Task`. Each task must declare a category in order to be executed, let's chose the "extract" category. The category **must** be declared as a class attribute because Scheduler will manage Tasks subclasses and he must have access to their categories without having to instantiate them. .. code-block:: python import tarfile class TarExtract(Task): category = "extract" def __call__(self, archive_path, destination_path): tar_object = tarfile(archive_path) tar_object.extractall(destination_path) This code is very simple, but we can see that it needs two arguments, one for the archive path and one for destination path. If this case, task must declare them as **inputs** in our task. This will make a difference with the last code, task will not receive archive paths and destination paths, instead it will receive two Items representing an archive and an directory. Then it will be able to retrieve their paths from these objects. .. code-block:: python class TarExtract(Task): ... inputs = {"archive" : "file.archive", "destination" : "directory"} ... One more thing, any task must return informations about it's status, if current code works, task should have the status SUCCESS. .. code-block:: python from pyti.goatlib import Task, SUCCESS class TarExtract(Task): ... def __call__(self, archive, destination): ... return SUCCESS, [] In last exemple, task return the status of the task and a list, empty for now, of Items. This task should return a new Item representing the directory where the archive has been extracted. .. code-block:: python from pyti.goatlib import Task, Item, SUCCESS from os.path import splitext, join import tarfile class TarExtract(Task): category = "extract" inputs = {"archive" : "file.archive", "destination" : "directory"} def __call__(self, archive, destination): tar_object =['path']) tar_object.extractall(destination['path']) extracted_path = join(destination['path'], splitext(archive['path'])[1] ) return SUCCESS, [Item(types = ["directory"], data = {"path" : extracted_path})] Create a recipe ===============